For Years 9 and 10, students study mandatory courses and two electives.
The mandatory courses for Stage 5 are: English, Religious Education, Mathematics (students are guided into appropriate stages, either 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3), Science, Australian History, Australian Geography, Personal Development, Health & Physical Education.
Academic Reports: The College issues two comprehensive academic reports each year: Half Yearly Report (end of Term 2) and Yearly Report (end of Term 4). Years 9 and 10 students also receive an Interim Report (end of Term 1). The half yearly and yearly report contains the following information:
Course overview
Student approach to learning
Level of achievement attained in syllabus areas of achievement
Overall grade, including grade distribution for the cohort
Information about student attendance (whole day and partial absence); attendance at major College events and participation in co-curricular events and activities.
Student behaviour level
Please click on the links below to access Stage 5 Assessment Handbooks.