Studying a language helps students improve their communication abilities, understand languages as structured systems, and examine how language and culture intersect. Through this, they interact with diverse linguistic and cultural practices and gain insights into social interactions.
Learning a language is mandatory for 100 hours within a single school year between Years 7 and 10, at St Paul’s we complete the compulsory hours in Year 8. In Years 11 and 12, we offer Japanese Beginners and Japanese Continuers a broad selection of languages for all levels available through the NSW School of Languages.
Language study is crucial for developing an awareness of one’s own language and contributes significantly to overall education. It builds transferable skills, particularly in literacy, and offers opportunities for personal expression, a wider range of recreational activities such as travel and cultural experiences, and improved job prospects.
Year 8 mandatory
As part of the mandatory language program, students are introduced to the Japanese language. They learn some basic language and grammatical structures and how to communicate using basic structures and familiar settings. Students also become aware of the rich diversity of cultures, festivals and traditions which are part of the Japanese speaking world.
Year 9 and 10 electives
In the Stage 5 course, students will learn Japanese grammar and structures as well as the topics prescribed by NESA. This course allows students to communicate in Japanese on the topics studied and will provide a solid ground to continue the study of the language in Year 11 and 12 Continuers course (Stage 6).
Topics covered in Year 9:
- Hobbies and interests
- Dining out
- Family and friends
- School life
- Home life
- Seasons and weather
- Shopping and clothing
Topics covered in Year 10:
- Animals and pets
- School life
- Travel in Japan
- Shopping in Japan
- Living in Japan
- The Environment
Language is intrinsically attached to culture, thus students become familiar with the customs and way of life of Japan. Learning a language also instils in the students a sense of global understanding and their connection as citizens of the world.
Year 11 and 12 – Higher School Certificate
Japanese Beginners
Eligibility: Students who have not studied Japanese in Stage 5 are eligible to study Japanese Beginners in Stage 6.
The Stage 6 Beginners course is a course which allows students, who have not studied Japanese in stage 5, to learn a language in the last two years of high school. It is a 2 unit board approved course which provides an excellent base to continue the study of Japanese at a university level, allows students to communicate in Japanese and have a very good understanding of the grammar and structure of the language.
In addition, this course would improve students’ understanding of English grammar and structures as language connections are an important component of learning a second language.
Japanese Continuers
Eligibility: Students who have studied Japanese in Stage 5 are eligible to study Japanese Continuers in Stage 6.
The Japanese Continuers course is a 2 unit board approved course which requires a thorough knowledge of Japanese. Students built up from the vocabulary and structures which they acquired in Year 9 and 10, becoming more proficient with the use of language and expanding the study of topics beyond the personal world.
This course will assist students to analyse texts and deduce and infer meaning. Texts and language analyses are part of this course which expands from the personal world to the world of work, environment, arts, discrimination etc.
Japanese is spoken as a native language by more than 128 million people and is considered one of the world’s major languages. Outside Japan there are over 5 million people who speak Japanese with some degree of proficiency, mainly in North and South America, Canada and Australia.

St Paul’s Languages: In the Real World
Waseda Junior High School, Tokyo, Japan.
At St Paul’s languages beyond the classroom. We are fortunate to have a sister school relationship with Waseda Junior High School in Tokyo, Japan. Annually 20 students from Waseda Junior High visit in July who our St Paul’s families graciously host for a period of 10 days. This provides hands on practical experience for our students to communicate and interact while offering the visiting students a memorable experience.
Japan Tour
Our students studying Japanese have the opportunity to partake in a 2-week tour of Japan where they see the sites of Tokyo, shrines and temples of Kyoto and speak with a bomb survivor in Hiroshima to reflect on this historical tragedy. We have the opportunity to visit our sister school Waseda Junior High School in Tokyo and sample the culinary delights of the local culture.