Parents & Partnership
Catholic Schools Broken Bay (CSBB) is a system of schools providing opportunities to engage with other neighbouring CSBB schools (Forestville, Davidson, Narraweena, Dee Why, Collaroy) which will be strengthened as we progress the work and opportunities for students. We provide Catholic Education for all families, not education for Catholics. All families are welcome to be part of CSBB.
Which schools form the Southern Northern Beaches Peninsula Precinct?
- St Paul’s Catholic College, Manly
- St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Manly
- St Kieran’s Catholic Primary School, Manly Vale
- St Cecilia’s Catholic Primary School, Balgowlah
- St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School, Freshwater
In 2024 Catholic Schools Broken Bay (CSBB) appointed Mark Robinson as the Senior Executive overseeing the transformation of the delivery of Catholic education in the Southern Northern Beaches Precinct.
Mark is recognised as a deeply experienced educational leader and innovator and is playing a pivotal role in advancing the establishment of the Precinct including transforming St Paul’s Catholic College into a co-educational institution.
What is the vision for the schools and the region?
Our commitment is to deliver an authentic professional Catholic Education with care and compassion. Our mission is to inspire hearts and minds to know Christ, love learning and be the best they can be.
In our faith-based learning environment, we believe every student has the potential to flourish, embracing core values of faith, joy, witness, courage, and compassion. With a focus on continuous learning improvement, our dedicated, professional, and passionate teaching staff are the driving force behind our vision.
The approach is future-focused and innovative, tailored to meet the evolving needs of our families. Through the creation of improved contemporary facilities and enriched learning experiences, we aim to provide benefits to all students across our schools.
Our vision extends beyond individual success to encompass a clear Pre-12 pathway and retention for every student and family in the region. Together, we form a dynamic community of schools that share resources, best practices, and specialties within the precinct. This collaborative spirit fosters opportunities for continuous learning and growth, creating an environment where we not only learn from but also with each other.
In this visionary landscape, we are shaping not just students but future leaders. Join us on this extraordinary journey where education is not just a destination but a limitless expedition toward excellence.
How are we improving academic achievement?
- CSBB Towards 2025 Strategy
- Explicit focus on the growth of every student
- Investing in collaborative planning for all staff
- Investing in coaching for all staff
- A culture of continuous improvement as a system, schools, staff and our students
Which sites are being considered for Pre-Schools / Early Years education?
- St Martin’s Davidson
- St John the Baptist Freshwater
- St Kieran’s Manly Vale
A comprehensive external research company has crafted a detailed demographic and competitor analysis report, offering valuable insights. Our dedicated team has conducted thorough site visits at each of the three locations and provided information at a joint architect briefing. Utilising research and site plans, our next phase involves discerning the feasibility and outlining potential timelines for each site. This discernment process will pave the way for the development of robust business and education plans specific to each potential site. Subsequently, the plans will evolve into concrete architectural concepts and detailed costings. As we navigate this intricate process, further details regarding the plans for the sites and projected timelines will be unveiled later in the year, marking a significant step forward in our strategic initiatives.
Increased opportunities / facilities in Sport
CSBB is currently working with architects to explore potential indoor and outdoor sporting facilities in the region – contemporary multi-purpose spaces for learning, sport and building community for students in all CSBB Schools, especially on the Northern Beaches.
As announced in March 2023 – CSBB Primary carnivals and subsequent representative pathways and teams will be exclusive to CSBB schools. This gives additional representative opportunities for our primary students.
Leadership Structure across the Southern Peninsula Precinct
CSBB is committed to supporting our local school leaders (Principals) in building the Precinct of Schools in the Southern Peninsula of the Northern Beaches and deliver the vision, recommendations and future focused initiatives.
The Southern Peninsula precinct allows us to add to and re-imagine how we best serve our students, parents and teachers.
Facilities / Investment / Sites
Our school size and growth.
In 2022 Catholic Schools Broken Bay schools (a system of 45 Schools) had the strongest enrolment growth across NSW in the Catholic Sector.
The goal is for all our schools in the region to grow. Well balanced schools who know and value every student.
We have seen a strong response to our commitment to strengthen and enhance our schools in the Northern Beaches and the enquiries and applications at many of our schools in the region have increased for 2024.
When will changes/investment in school sites begin?
The investment into our schools and facilities is part of a Multi–Year Plan. A panel of architects were briefed (opportunities, challenges and the vision for each site) and tendered.
We are excited to announce that plans have progressed and architects have now been engaged to develop concept plans for each of the 4 schools in the CSBB Northern Beaches Precinct:
Gardner Wetherill – St Paul’s Manly
SARM Architects – St Mary’s Manly, St John the Baptist Freshwater & St Kieran’s Manly Vale
What are the timelines and priorities for building works?
High level concept, architectural plans and costings will be completed by the end of September this year and then reviewed.
Initial changes / enhancements / amenities (toilets and changerooms) are a priority in 2024 for St Paul’s.
Master plans will be developed for all sites, and these will give direction for future investment.
Where is the money coming from and will it impact on school fees?
CSBB is committed to investing in our schools for the future. There are no plans to increase fees beyond the normal annually reviewed adjustments that are influenced by changes to running costs and government funding.
CSBB schools are low fee-paying systemic schools, which are at a considerably less than the Catholic independent schools in the region.
Parking Considerations
Traffic flow, including parking, student pick up and drop off are all factored into architectural concepts, and programs for builds.
Stage 3 Learning Hub
Improving the stage 3 learning experience for all students in our precinct schools.
There are 3 main elements,
- Physical elements
- Pedagogy
- Experience
Physical elements
The physical environment can really be thought of being the third teacher.
The CSBB Project team have been engaging with experts, researching and exploring what could be possible.
- Variety of learning delivery
- Contemporary and personalised
- Engaging young adolescents
- Assessment for learning
- STEM and other project-based engagements along with specific literacy and numeracy instruction
- Connection with Stage 4
- Students and teachers work in collaboration with subject specialists.
- Secondary teachers
- Resident artists
- Royal Life Saving
- Environmental officers
- National Parks
- University connections
- Clergy
How will all Northern Beaches school’s benefit from the Stage 3 Learning Hub into the future?
A hub brings students and teachers across our CSBB schools together to learn and grow.
New build elements will influence the way existing classrooms may operate in a modified manner into the future.
Teachers across the Northern Beaches schools will have more opportunity to work with each other and learn from each other as to the contemporary ways to engage students with their learning.