Year 7-8 Curriculum (Stage 4)
Subjects studied by Stage 4 Students
- English
- Religious Education
- Mathematics
- Science
- History
- Geography
- Personal Development
- Health & Physical Education
- Technology
- Music
- Visual Arts
- Japanese
Assessment and Reporting
The College issues two comprehensive academic reports each year: Half Yearly Report (end of Term 2) and Yearly Report (end of Term 4). Years 7 and 8 students also receive an Interim Report (end of Term 1). The half yearly and yearly report contains the following information:
- Course overview
- Student approach to learning
- Level of achievement attained in syllabus areas of achievement
- Overall grade, including grade distribution for the cohort
- Information about student attendance (whole day and partial absence); attendance at major College events and participation in co-curricular events and activities.
- Student behaviour level
Assessment handbooks provide general assessment schedules for student and parent/ carer information and planning.