

The wellbeing of every student at St Paul’s is an absolute priority. The College proactively creates and maintains support structures that focus on each student’s academic, social, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

Each student is supported by a Pastoral Care Teacher that meets daily with a small class group, and by a Leader of Wellbeing who is focused on the age and stage specific needs of each student cohort. The Pastoral Care Teacher is each parent’s primary contact within the College and plays a significant role in monitoring each student’s attendance, academic progress, spiritual development, and involvement in the co-curricular life of the College.

When students may require additional support, specialist staff other than their teachers will be available to support them.

Please click here to access St Paul’s Student Wellbeing Site (including Anti-bullying Policy).


A Leader of Student Wellbeing is appointed as a key figure, responsible for day to day Pastoral Care and for the supervision of academic progress, personal development, discipline and general welfare of a year group. There are Leaders of Student Wellbeing for each year group from 7 to 12. The Leader of Student Wellbeing holds year group assemblies each week and meets with the Pastoral Care teachers regularly to ensure student welfare issues are communicated.  Each of these Leaders work closely with the College Counsellors and the Director of Student Wellbeing to ensure strong connections and to act as a safety net for students in difficult times.


The day to day running of the College is overseen by the Assistant Principal whose special interest is the welfare of all students. The Assistant Principal coordinates the Pastoral Care policy with the Director of Student Wellbeing to ensure consistency of student management and flexibility to meet individual needs. At the heart of our Pastoral Care policy is the belief that each individual is unique and made in the image of God. Our discipline, counselling and anti-bullying programs extend from and reinforce this belief.


The College has Counsellors that are available to meet with students during school hours. Our counselling services provide help to students who feel that they may be struggling with aspects of their schooling or personal lives or just need added support; no matter is too small.

Counsellors can be contacted by telephoning the College Office on 02 7256 2112.